Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a leading bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Delhi, India.

What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and what are the advantages of it?

Hormone replacement therapy can benefit from the functional medicine approach. HRT, or hormone replacement therapy, has long been a common means of restoring hormones in a woman's body during and after menopause. This is done to ensure that the two helpful hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are generated in reduced quantities in the female body after menopause, remain available in optimal amounts in the body.

Hormone replacement treatment has a long list of advantages, which is why an increasing number of women are turning to it to treat common menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and vaginal discomfort. Hot flashes are relieved, vaginal dryness is eliminated, osteoporosis effects are reduced, and the chances of dementia and heart disease in women are reduced. This medication is also used in men to replace an important hormone such as testosterone.

Hormone replacement therapy can take many different forms.

Hormone replacement therapy is divided into two types:
(1) combined HRT, which replaces both hormones,
(2) oestrogen-only HRT, which replaces the only estrogen.
Because taking the only estrogen raises the risk of womb cancer, the first therapy is more popular.

What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and how does it work?

This is a therapy that can be used to treat both men and women, although it is most commonly used to treat women who are experiencing menopausal symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy uses hormones that are synthesized artificially but taken from natural sources such as plants. These are available in the form of pills, lotions, gels, injections, and even patches, and are either sourced from a medication manufacturer or custom-made by a pharmaceutical business based on a doctor's recommendation. In the latter situation, the medication is tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient.

In Delhi, India, Dr. Anoop Bhagat is a hormone replacement specialist.

Hormone replacement therapy offers both advantages and disadvantages. It's important to understand that the hormones injected into the body are chemically identical to organic hormones, but they're created in a lab. As a result, it's best to speak with a hormone replacement professional before committing to this medication. This therapy must be adjusted to each patient's specific needs, and the results must be evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that the patient receives the most benefit. Dr. Anoop Bhagat, a top functional medicine practitioner in Delhi, India, has only recommended bioidentical therapy after a comprehensive examination and knowledge of the fundamental cause of the patient's health problem