In Delhi, India, there is an effective way of treating hormonal imbalances.

What does it mean to address a hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalances are frequent in women, especially before and after pregnancy, during menstruation, and during menopause. The traditional approach of treating hormonal imbalances involves treating the symptoms by prescribing pharmaceuticals and medicines that successfully suppress the symptoms. However, in this situation, the symptoms recur after a period of time, necessitating the patient to repeat the treatment or take a higher dose of medication.

The functional medication method, on the other hand, employs a system-oriented medical procedure to discover the fundamental cause of the problem and then provide individualized treatment. Each patient is treated as an individual in this manner, and no generic treatment is used to cure them of their ailment.

How can a patient with a hormonal imbalance get treated by a hormone imbalance specialist?

Dr. Anoop Bhagat, a hormone imbalance specialist, not only thoroughly examines the patient's medical history, but also considers the patient's genetic composition and environmental factors - all of which are unique to each patient – in order to deliver a unique and personalized treatment. When a doctor examines your biochemical makeup, he can better understand the underlying cause of the sickness in the patient and, as a result, provide solutions to not only prevent further health problems but also to improve the person's general health. Dr. Anoop Bhagat, who has his operating center in Delhi, India, is an expert in the field of functional and integrative medicine. He works hand-in-hand with his patients to provide an all-encompassing treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance?

The following are some of the most common hormone imbalance symptoms in women:-
• Acne-like symptoms on the face
• Bones that are fragile and weak
• Flashes of heat
• Indigestion and acidity
• Soreness and pain

When treating women with these problems, the specialist will look not just at the symptoms, but also at the patient's lifestyle, dietary habits, and other functional lab tests to determine additional deficiencies and physical imbalances so that the best treatment can be found. The goal is to identify the hormonal imbalance as soon as possible and treat the source rather than the symptom by improving the patient's lifestyle and nutritional habits in order to provide long-term and permanent relief. The good news is that most clinics that provide therapy under functional medication combine various treatment modalities to deliver effective treatment.